Annie the demon packer

We have finally unpacked the last of Annie’s boxes.
In the last days of packing we realized we would need help to pack the office and kitchen. Unfortunately the packer turned up with what looked and sounded awfully like Covid. After some frantic phone calls, we found Annie and she took charge.
Annie is a force of nature and a fantastically skilled packer. Her boxes are a wonder to behold and the wrapping of each individual item is a little masterpiece. Unwrapping them is like a treasure hunt or a lucky dip. The extras give you some idea of the delicacy of the task. Annie is 74 and she lives in a retirement village, but it seems she doesn’t spend much time there. She loves packing and she is too busy packing for other people. Thanks to Annie we got all those boxes packed in time. Thank you Annie, we couldn’t have done it without you.

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