Seven Geese a-Fleeing

Just came back from the Lula walk - overwhelming beauty. The trees and walls painted red from the setting sun, couldn't work out at first why the trees had suddenly become autumnal. Carp swarming in the Lake, mating presumably. And then the geese flew off, honking, so had to choose this photo, as I'm usually not quick enough to get them. 

In extra, down comes the "carbuncle".

Absolutely awful about the earthquake in Turkey - over 7,200 dead already, and terrible conditions for the survivors. Does Mr P really need to go on deliberately adding to the death and destruction in the world??

- Cristian and Maria (Moldovan couple) texting to say they have safely arrived to his home in Rotterdam
- this TEDx talk about what makes the good life, old, but excellent
- talking in a bit to old friends from Brazil days

Is it selfish to be grateful that our family and friends are safe, warm, fed, loved??

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