River of Flowers

By doffy

Tuesday: Rosemary

Weather still settled and relatively mild.
I fed the birds, had my breakfast whilst watching the birds eating theirs, then did a bit more tidying down the far side of the garage. The wild garlic is just starting to show through but there are large clumps of ferns and yellow dead nettle taking over so I pulled up the dead nettle and cut back the ferns, then mulched the garlic with dead leaves and moss which the birds had scraped off the garage roof.
After a little rest I cleared some of the dead Cordyline leaves from the top path and border - plenty of soil uncovered for the blackbirds to scratch about in! 
MrD went for another test ride after adjusting something on his project motorbike, sorry for vagueness …!
Rosemary is full of flower buds at the moment and is going to be lovely for any bees who wake up - photo straight from camera, no tinkering :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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