Acts of deliberate notice

By Yaviere

Reflection time

Today has been a mixed bag brain-wise. I feel like I slept poorly and I am always grumpy when tired. Luckily I have amazing colleagues to pull me out of a bad mood though. 

This photo was taken on a walk with a colleague and friend who is having a tough time at work and feeling generally miserable. I think I managed to cheer him up and he managed to make me properly laugh out loud a couple of times.

Then this afternoon J and I issued a 30 day challenge to our team: We had a box of prompts and each person had to take a prompt and do whatever is on it for the next 30 days. Mine was to make a list when I wake up each day of 5 things I am grateful for. This is something I have recently started trying to do anyway as I have noticed that if I put work into starting my day in a good mood, that mood tends to stick around. Having the challenge should help to reinforce the habit and hopefully leave me feeling happier this time next month. 

If I can manage it, I will try to record that list along with each blip I post. If you are reading this, I challenge you to do the same!

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