
By 1YearInAddis

President's lunch

Today was the President's special lunch at Black Lion Hospital. It seems to be organized to acknowledge all the good things that are going on there. Faculty and students of the medical school are invited, as well as bigwigs, such as the minister of health, and others. It was quite nice, under huge tents. This was good, as there were maybe 1000 people there and the sun was blazing.

There was traditional Ethiopian singing and dancing. Kids who had won a talent competition sang. And there was this huge band, maybe 50 musicians in all. The western style of their dress and music, even the national anthem, surprised me.

Anyway, it was a nice afternoon. It was scheduled to go on for 12 hours, so we left early.

After getting my hair cut, I saw some kids playing marbles. When was the last time I saw anyone doing that? Can't remember. Got a photo, but will have to snag one another day.

And I spoke (well, through a translator), to a metalworker beside the barbershop about fixing the gate that I scraped with the car a few weeks ago. He has what appears to be a homemade arc welder. Seems to do the trick, although I wouldn't touch it! Maybe I'll get a photo of that at some point as well.

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