our daily bread

Well, every other day. This one came out of the oven first thing this morning so the kitchen smelled wonderful.

Joanna called round, which was nice and made Jess very happy :-)

Somebody cancelled in the aquaerobics class, so I got their place. It's so popular that people set their alarm clocks for 6am to log on three days in  advance and get a place (apparently). This is only the second time I've managed to go and I really enjoy it. Had a sauna before and a quick swim. I hadn't foreseen how much I would enjoy the community aspect of the sauna - I imagined I'd just sit there with my eyes closed and relax in the warmth, but some people want to chat and I've met some nice folk. Yesterday one of our Tuesday regulars, who I think is Chinese (she smiles but doesn't speak) began to clap her hands at the end of the session and then began patting different parts of her body. I did it too, and she said "Nine!", showing that we should pat nine times on each part (arm, leg, abdomen etc). I imagine it's to help the circulation, but when I asked, she only smiled.

(I have since found out that this is a Qigong practice for releasing energy blockages)

I didn't do very much in the afternoon except drink tea, make a lemon drizzle cake and fetch a 15kg  sack of dog food which the postie had left at the end of the drive (*this is where I'm getting my strength from, Fiona!)

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