Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks


Seen at the end of my lunchtime walk this Buzzard did eventually fly nearer but so fast overhead that I failed to get it in focus.

I did a M&S shop on my own for a change but with an agreed list :-)

Booked my car in for a Health Check next week to see what needs attention as I have no intention of changing it. Two new tyres for sure and possibly rear brake disks for starters.  

Some neighbours have just had delivered a new plug-in electric car that they ordered a year ago and another neighbour gave up waiting 18 months for one recently. I had thought my next car would be electric when I bought my current car 6 years ago but I now wonder if I will ever will go electric. I think it’s more likely this car will be my last owned car. There must be more chance of keeping this one another 6 years and then straight to a driverless  car :-)

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