
By lesmark

Dolphin Quay

When the tide is in, sun is in the west and low in the winter sky, reflections from the quayside in the water can be mesmerising and the concrete pillars take on an almost geological aspect with different colours of the tide marks, shapes, barnacles and algae. The conditions were right this afternoon for a photo. 
Thanks to Ingeborg for hosting Abstract Thursday.

I tried to get Stugeron travel sickness pills today but none were to be had at either of our two pharmacies. Is everyone travelling? Probably more than we used to! However, worryingly, the saleswoman in LloydsPharmacy told me that they would not be re-stocking on most products because they are going to be shut down. That is really rather sad for this lovely little community pharmacy. I read on line that of around 1,400 of their pharmacies in the UK, Lloyds is pulling the plug on 16 percent of its outlets "in response to changing market conditions". 

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