Digital painting...

Merlin is outside asking for his wet food breakfast.
I am in bed drinking a hot cuppa first...
He's just moved, and I'll probably see him in my bedroom in a minute polishing off Midnight's wet food from last night. He does come in the bungalow, but leaves when he sees me looking at him.

Jade has got on the swing, and is finishing off the nighttime's dry cat biscuits that I leave on the swing at night. She likes me to leave a back door open, and then she'll come in. She panics if I shut it. And she'll also come in my bedroom to polish off Midnight's food.

Now Amy is staring at me from the swing ledge...
She comes in also, but likes doors to outside left open, otherwise she panics like Jade.

GhostCat1 also comes in through the cat flap to eat, but not through an open door. And vanishes as soon as he hears me.

There's a couple of others that I can find in my car or kitchen as I am bringing in shopping...

I did refill the kitchen cat dishes at 4am when I made my flask of tea...

Nice to be in demand...

Obviously I am the mad cat lady...

The birds are okay, I filled their feeders last night. So the sparrows are flocking around them. And there are some blackbirds considering residency...

Nighttime videos
Cat Merlin sees two badgers

Creative is a digital painting of a sheep in Procreate. A few years ago I did a few sheep paintings in acrylics, no idea where they are the Tardis (garage somewhere)...
Midnight and Jade's eyes in there...I was trying to do them in the sheep's wool, but gave up!

I give up, Amy has stared me out...
I needed the bathroom anyway after a flask of tea...

Amy has just rewarded me with cuddling my legs, and kisses on my hands, for going out especially to feed her.

Made my day...

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