Homescape Triptych

A day at home, got out into the garden this morning for a while.  So much more pleasant when the temperatures are around 20 deg.  But gosh it is really critically dry.  I also did some watering, whilst not trying to waste our precious water.
Doug mowed/trimmed the lawns, they are golden brown, but little clovers and the wee yellow dandelion look-a-likes needed trimmed.  Looks better.
A friend came out this afternoon with her laptop....we did some sharing of ideas and both of us were happy.
No photos taken, so this evening I clicked this off .... very flat light, so given it a soft dreamy look and divided it into three....just because !!

The North Island, in particular the northern and eastern parts, are preparing and bracing themselves for what the Meteorological Service are describing as a weather event not seen in NZ's history.  Named Gabrielle, really ??  Its going to be nasty, and on top of the terrible flooding/slips of two weeks ago, has the potential to be even more devastating.

And then there is Syria and Turkey.


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