Another one Bites the Dust

My face is looking less swollen but I certainly have not become a clear skinned beauty either. In fact, I’m seriously wondering why in earth I put myself through this. Time will tell if it was worth it, but I’m pretty convinced that I’ll never do it again!

The morning cold gave way to a beautiful sunny day so I swathed myself in sunscreen, hat, scarf and shades and we took Spike for a walk. He had a bath this morning so he needed to dry off.

We went to a wonderful, funky nursery/feed store/whimsical metal sculpture store down the road and had fun wandering around looking for some interesting things to clutter up place in our garden. More on that later as we have to go back soon.

Another agave is about to bite the dust, this time in the back on the hill. It is the biggest one back there and has put up a bloom like a giant asparagus spear. We weren’t crazy about these giant plants but they grow well so we left them. They actually protected the house during the fire because, being full of water, they don’t burn. So we have grown quite fond of them. This one will take a long time to die, but it has already started looking scrawny…

Tomorrow they might install the railings on our porch. It is unclear if or when.

Now I must get back to the Super Bowl, eating Peter’s bacon wrapped tater tots and pretending to watch without asking too many dumb questions….

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