Coming Full Circle With James

As we gathered at FBC this morning we were grateful for the fair skies and sunshine and we probably appreciated them just a bit more than we might have in the wake of the recent ice storms.  We also enjoyed the goodness and warmth of sweet fellowship in our grow groups and as we came together to lift our hearts and voices in congregational song.  The blessings of the morning continued as the choir, orchestra and all our accomplished accompanists presented an affirmation of our faith in the encouraging song, "It Is Well With My Soul", followed by more corporate praise and worship.  After our hearts were full and focused on the goodness of God, Pastor Wes took us to James 5:13-18 to complete the message that God had given to James for the people in his time and to Pastor Wes for us in our time   Our God is not bound by time and space, so everything that has ever happened or will ever happen is in His sight now.  There was suffering and hardship then and there is suffering and hardship in our world today and the whole point of the message of James is that we walk through it all demonstrating faith and confidence in God's plan for us.  Pastor Wes had much more to say about how we go about doing just that and the important role of prayer as continuous communication with God----not just asking for His blessing on our plans, but to ask Him what His plan would be and how we can best fit into it.  It's all in the live-stream, which I would encourage you to watch and I hear that we are going to hear more about prayer next week.....I'm looking forward to it----hope to see  you there!

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