Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea


Dined al fresco this evening. Managed to avoid midges too. Maybe they just weren't attracted by the veg curry mix! but anyway I got left alone. :-D

Procrastinated like crazy last night and ended up going to sleep well past 3! What is that about!??! anyway. Was very late getting up and ended up having to force myself to finish off things and rush to get a letter delivered to someone before 5. I do it deliberately sometimes, this avoidance / procrastination thing but it drives me nuts.

Tonight, early night with last week's Doctor. Meantime Enjoy the garden. The tiny wee blues are Forget Me Nots, in the middle of the LHS plot but really they are a weed!!! but they're attractive :-D the can that has fallen over in the wind is a Thyme. I love it cos it looks so much like a Hebe, which is my all time favourite (you plant, you walk away!)

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