More birds

I think it has been over three years since I last went out with my local bird group and as today’s outing was my local patch, I had no excuse not to go along. Ladies are always outnumbered by men at these events and it’s the men mainly who carry the bid telescopes which you need to avoid as you are walking along narrow lanes together. We (that is they, I didn’t see them all) spotted 53 birds and heard two more including the water rail. I was delighted to see several jack snipe through one of the telescopes, I just couldn’t see them through my binoculars. There were lots of little egrets gathered in a group, teal, sparrow hawk, buzzards and these three near the end. The single one is a little ringed plover and I believe the other two are green shanks but they look similar to dunlins. The leader was disappointed not to spot a kingfisher but it was a bit noisy with the works going on from the river restoration project. A Good morning’s outing. 
I dug up some more ferns this afternoon and cleared away the debris my husband had made this morning with his tree root digging. He aims to get them all up this week. 

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