
A very strange day.

Went to the Mother's Union Council meeting in Tresillian. All just very slightly bizarre but my Grandma Train would be proud!

Got home just after 3 so collected MrRoly and all the children and took them for a Cheeky Killigrew. MrRoly needed cheering up as he has a very poorly car which can't be fixed until next week.

Bella cooked chicken curry for the children before we all headed out to Beavers/Cubs/Scouts/Scout Group AGM. Strengthened by my day, I kept my resolve and repeated the word no every time joining the committee was raised!

A super meal at The Wheelhouse with MrRoly, ClareClare and MickeyJohn has rounded off the day beautifully. I now understand why people rave about the place - good food cooked well. What more could you ask for?

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