AI from AI

I recently started using another AI program to augment the prompts for generating images. It is possible to get (chat-gpt) to write some extra details… e.g. I write ‘A scone with a layer of jam and cream’ into the AI and it returns… ‘ Scone with a layer of jam and cream, A warm, freshly baked scone with a flaky exterior and a soft, fluffy interior, adorned with a generous layer of sweet, sticky jam and a dollop of whipped, creamy cream, surrounded by a delicate porcelain teacup filled with steaming hot tea, The cozy, intimate setting of an old-fashioned tearoom, with lace tablecloths, polished silverware, and warm, soft lighting filtering in through the large, paned windows, A content, peaceful feeling, with the aroma of tea and freshly baked pastries lingering in the air, Soft, warm, and inviting, with golden light casting a gentle glow over the scene, illuminating the delicate tea-things and creating dappled shadows on the table’ 

It basically made up the additional information.. and when this detailed text is entered into midjourney as a prompt for creating and image.. the results are getting really good… 

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