
By astudyinscarlet

well planted

you can lead a whore tae culture but you cannae make her think...

sorry, it's the only horticulture joke i know!

gardening scotland had a beautiful sunny day for the princess royal and the rest of us who trogged out to ingliston on day one, toasty hot and lovely. i spent three hours wandering around, and spent several pennies more than anticipated, including buying rather more plants than anticipated (only five, but that's two more than i had planned - i only have a tiny space, after all). shame the parents weren't there (they're coming tomorrow), it's more interesting with them as they actually know stuff.

also, a shame that there are so few plants! the show gardens are ok, but if you've been watching chelsea on the telly you'll be disappointed both at the number and the style. also, there are far fewer plant stalls than in the past and all are more expensive (i know, isn't everything, but i paid £13 for three pelargoniums which came in 3" pots; from the same stall two or three years ago i paid less for bigger plants). even the stalls of stuff and crafts aren't all - often not at all - garden-related, which is a bit annoying really. esp since you pay thru the nose to get in these days.

still, of the show gardens i liked this artful recreation of decay and the immaculate postmodern minimalist effort across the path equally, but this came out better. there are also some wonderful shows of colour and scent in the floral hall - there are two stalls with oriental lilies with perfume to knock you out in particular.

anyway, there are some pretty new babies chez scarlet, you'll be introduced soon...

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