This jewel-toned bug was just walking along the driveway when I noticed him. I thought it was an Emerald Ash Borer, but with a bit of research, I learned it is a Green Tiger Beetle. In spite of his pretty color, he has one ugly face with that huge, protruding pincer-like mouth. I don't know what the flesh-toned item is within the pincers, but I'm just glad it isn't my finger! (A tongue, maybe?)

He appears to have hairy legs - I would like to know whether those are soft & hair-like, or if they are actually prickly like thorns. It will be okay if I never find out!

The Green Tiger Beetle is a predatory insect. The description I found, says the mouth is a pair of mandibles which are sharp-pointed with several teeth on the inner face. They eat all types of insects. Tiger Beetle mandibles are lethal to most small creatures and can inflict a very effective bite on a human. This guy was almost 1/2" long.

It sheds its exoskeleton three times in its adult life in order to grow larger. Their entire life cycle will take up to three years which is unusually long for an insect.

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