My Aim is True


International Craft & Hobby Fair

How good was the weather today!!? It's been at least 3 years since I've seen weather like that here.

Walked home from work. Through the gardens, loads and loads of folk out. Foreigners soaking up the sun and local Gothic children drinking and causing mayhem.

Was LIVID when I got home, due to bright sun and sunglasses I didn't realise that the exposure thing on camera was set incorrectly, so loads of the photos I took are really really crap. i suppose I'm not the first person to have been that stupid, but it is very annoying!

I had spotted these blokes in front of me whilst I was walking home and had to catch up to discover what ICHF stands for. Sadly, it's not the international Craft and Hobby Fair, it's actually the International Conference on the History of Freemasons...who knew?

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