
Not a good start to the morning when I discovered two fraudulent transactions on my bank card….sigh! Phoned the bank but stopping the card means I’ll have to reset all my various subscriptions etc etc which will be a real pain. Can’t imagine how it happened but it was sheer fluke that I checked my bank this morning or I might have missed it.
Walked down to the station with K in beautiful sunshine again (might it be time to put the duvet coat away?!) and saw her onto her train, then came home via the library and signed myself up. Looking forward to making use of the e-newspaper subscriptions, audiobooks and other services (they offer an amazing range!).
Home and did some bits of admin and laundry but mainly faffed around. Thought about doing some other jobs but decided to go and look at the e-bikes that Kt’s company distribute. Pleasant walk to the shop at the canal basin via the Meadows, passing these crocuses en route, and enjoyed having a little ride on one to try it out. The dilemma is that she can get it half price for me, but I’m not sure I like it as much as the one I saw at the other shop,…..
Walked home (in a bit of drizzle unfortunately) and ended up on the sofa for a while….realise I’m pretty tired out after the last couple of weeks.
Ended up having a late supper and just doing very little…hopefully I’ll be back on form tomorrow

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