Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo

Some of you may remember the UFO I blipped two days ago. At first I thought it was a bird of prey, it was so huge, but after some research I later suspected it could be a cockatoo. This was also confirmed by Paladian.

So this morning, standing at my kitchen sink washing my dishes (yes, the dishwasher still hasn't been repaired!) a huge bird-shadow began circling my garden. The cockatoos were back and there were just two of them, one kindly landing in a tree and actually staying there long enough for me to grab my camera, sneak out the back door and take a few photos.

The pair of them helped themselves to a drink again from next doors bird bath, then flew up into a tree on the other side of her garden, whilst I clicked away with my camera.

So many great photos to choose from, I was spoilt for choice, but decided on this photo for today's blip as it not only shows the profile of his face but you can clearly see the yellow in his tail feathers, which I couldn't see in the dull light of two days ago and which had me confused as to the identity of this bird.

The sun is shining brightly today and I'm going out to do a spot of gardening now. Oh, and I'll take my camera out with me, who knows what other interesting birds might drop by. :))

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