My Valentine’s Valentine

John insisted on going to make an appointment for car maintenance in person this morning after we finished our Pilates-on-the-multi-purpose-room-floor class. And there was me thinking John had developed some adverse reaction to the telephone. Instead, he came home bearing flowers…what a good boy he is. John, not Spike who just photobombed the picture.

One of my oldest friends dropped off the radar a few months ago, and I finally found out via her daughter that she had a bad fall, suffered some broken bones and a head trauma. She is now in a nursing home, a different one from the one her husband is in due to dementia. I have yet to find out why this, but it seems to be permanent as their Berkeley house is being sold.

She is difficult to understand on the phone, so I decided to write to her first. Then I decided to make her a card which involved getting the printer to print a photo I took several years ago of zinnias, a flower she loves but could never grow in Berkeley. Then I had to figure out how to load the photo paper so that the photo came out on the shiny side. Once that was done and the letter was written, I realized that I didn’t have an envelope to fit. Surely there is a YouTube video for how to make an envelope, I thought.

Oh yes there is. In fact there are dozens. Hours later, I produced an envelope custom made for the card. It’s a bit squint, but it’s also harder to make an envelope than one would think. I finally accomplished it by stopping and starting the video so I could do one step at a time. Who knows, it could be a useful skill?

And that, my friends, was my day. I cannot think where the time goes…

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