Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


Identification - Junonia almana - peacock pansy.

It seemed like a very slow safari today. Fifty meters in and I still hadn't fired the shutter. It was however early in the morning and I still ended up with 23 keepers of 8 subjects.

I thought I had blipped this magnificent butterfly before, so I didn't even bother to go for the top shot. But, apparently not as I have just flicked through all my blips. This is something I shall have to remedy. Even if I had the top side shot, I still think this image would have won the blip spot.

I did have a couple of images of the butterfly drinking, but it had moved away from the droplets, which was the main point of the shot, I know you like the droplet shots, well I do :)

I spotted a worm moving along the ground. Its movement was strange and with more purpose than a normal worm. I was looking to see if it had any legs, but I could not get close enough and my eyesight is quite poor. I should have used the camera, I can see through that and I can click and zoom in the preview screen.

It climbed up a grass stem and then jumped about 2 inches - quite a shock, but now it definitely had my interest. Unfortunately I lost it in the ground vegetation and that was that, we will never know. This place continues to amaze me.

I did have a masticating mantis chowing, but figured two gross blips in a row would be a bit much.


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