Not for the faint hearted

It was the 6 month check up for both dogs today. Lexi has PTSD from previous encounters and it’s now rubbing off on Pippa so as it was just me I tried a different approach. I took Pippa in first as I knew she was good. No issues but refused a bone from the lovely vetty lady, Meghan! Put Pippa back in the car and then brought Lexi in. Her weight was spot on but she has disgusting breath and will not let me near her teeth so she has to go back next week for a scale and to check no teeth are decayed. Fingers crossed they are not. She has another issue with her anal glands and oh my goodness they were full so the stench was rank rotten! Poor soul, not very dignified but she looked relieved afterwards!!
To compensate for that I had an hour long deep tissue massage which was much needed.

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