Life's tangled skein

By atp

Lovelyy Morning For A Run

While Cameron was at his archery lessons today, I went for a run. It all stated quite badly; my Garmin refused to start (it had told me it was fully charged, but I think it was lying), and I didn't have Endomondo on the temporary phone I was using. There was no 3G signal where I was parked, so I drove up the hill a bit, parked in a layby and downloaded the app from there.

Now I was ready to go. I drove back to the car park, parked the car, and went to change... and by this time the heavens had opened!

I completed the run (, passing the Scottish Korean War Monument and the neolithic monument and Bronze Age burial ground of Cairnpapple.

To be fair, the rain helped, keeping me nice and cool. But it was lovely to get back to the car, and change into warm and cosy running tights and long-sleeved top!

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