Lunch time!

It's only 2.30pm and I've not stopped today! I woke up at 7.15am and decided to drive to the airport in the hope I could find mum's case. I got through security and was allowed into the arrivals hall, and then got through the next security check into the main hall where all the unclaimed baggage was held. It really was like looking for a needle in a haystack!

I was there for about an hour checking through row upon row of suitcases without success, although I did find some very nice Louis Vuitton luggage! I was told that if I hadn't found it, there were still more cases to arrive, but until they'd cleared those that were already there, they couldn't bring the others down. So I decided to give up - although I did manage to take a few photos with the intention of blipping the chaos.

I then went to the hairdresser's and after seeing Falbalas' blip the other day, I thought I'd take an SP through the mirror - blip number 2 maybe?

Once home I made lunch and as we were sat eating Alan said there was a Great Tit on my feeder. I've been waiting a long time to see any birds on the feeder, and typically my SD card was on the coffee table - by the time I'd got it and put it in my camera the bird flew off. So I waited with the patio door open and he came back. I only managed to get this shot and unfortunately he's backlit through the glass partition, but I'm pleased that I got it and therefore this had to be my blip. I've put the photo of the baggage hall in my blipfolio.

We're now having a lazy couple of hours before going to Pierre's birthday BBQ - fortunately it's stayed dry today!

We're leaving early tomorrow morning for Paris, so I'll go and do the packing shortly - I think the hotel has got wifi, so I'll hopefully be able to blip from there. If not, I'll backblip when we're home on Tuesday.

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