
By BlipCommunity

BCsplash - Lucky Number

We found the perfect image to share with you today, thanks to blipper OutAndAbout01.  It's our lucky number today!  Do you know the significance? 

* It's Blipfoto's seventh anniversary of community ownership! *

Joe Tree launched the website back in 2004 with the wonderfully simple and brilliant notion of uploading one photo from the day, every day.  After successful crowdfunding through everyone's support here, Blipfoto became community owned in 2016. 

We did this together.  
We carry on together.
Thank you for your continued support.

Wondering what #BCsplash is?
Well, we’re always on the lookout for eye-catching images to be included on our Facebook and Twitter headers as well as here on the community blog. Pick out a photo that would make an appealing first impression to visitors and add the tag #BCsplash.  

We'd love to see new members taking part too - it’s a great way we can help introduce you to the community and showcase your images alongside Blipfoto. Plus, we really enjoy looking through your images every week!

This is where you’ll find us!
Many thanks
Richard and Bex

(Blippers: richard & WharfedaleBex)

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