No one is looking at this

By Limey

Down with that sort of thing

Get up, do the laundry, protest against racism, go for coffee, look around the makeup aisle in Boots, get my brows waxed, go home, Make a big fat gin. 

♪ Except on Wednesdays, when I get rudely awakened by the dustmen. ♪ 

It has been a few years since I was last at a demo. Think the last one was when Trump was in town. Got to see the Trump Blimp! :D

Having been a former emigrant and non-native Dub, I can't be doing with with the innate ignorance & stupidity these days of jackeens who spend too much time with their knuckle-dragger mates on the internet,  and have now decided to pick on migrants  & refugees who are just trying to live their life in Dublin and elsewhere around Ireland.

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