Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

How many moons?

50 years ago this chap and I joined forces against the dictatorship of black robed staff at The Grammar School, Aylesbury. This is me with my mate Dino aka Trevor. I don't know anybody else who calls him Dino, his nickname from all those years ago. We had a team reunion about 6 years ago and he burst into tears when I greeted him as Dino, he hadn't heard the name in so many years.

We quickly became part of a team of under 12 rugby players destined for great deeds, not. I was Barry John's double with a wicked side step and turned up rugby shirt collar to go with it. Dino was a prop who starred alongside Paul Wainwright, and Richard Raz Rose in the front row, he had a full moustache then as now. What a bunch of misfits and eejits. I swear there is no other sport that helps keep people in touch, creates friendships which are always remembered and retained plus it engenders a set of principles of hard but fair play followed by a social circle second to none.

To Dino, long may your moustache tremble!

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