Dolly & the giant pencil

It was pouring today and after breakfast Lewis and I went back to bed for a nap! We got up around 12 and went to Keswick! It is a lovely wee town and home of the pencil museum! This is the worlds biggest pencil, it was so big I didn't notice it at first and I couldn't fit all of it in the photo! It is 7.91metres long and weighs 446.3kg and took 28 men to carry it from the factory to the museum, which is only a few hundred yards, making this one big pencil! They also had an exhibit about a secret war pencil, which looked like a normal pencil but contained a map of Europe and a compass to be used to help POWs escape, amazing! Don't laugh but we're having a wee night in watching Eurovision, with G&T of course!

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