
By SeeingGodInAll


And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” Colossians 1v18
This particular rose stands out in the vase. So stunningly put together by our creator. Interesting meeting with the Vicar about life groups going forwards.
Then a lovely lunchtime with someone I don’t know very well but we have found an extraordinary amount in common of our past histories. She is the most beautiful singer and has the same name as me spelt exactly the same way too, which is quite unusual.
A painful afternoon with Xavier. Going to sleep in my van and then not wanting to be woken up to go to swimming. Thankfully his mum took over and I played with baby Nikos.
Felt I needed a little walk afterwards and went into the cathedral to find it was the Ash Wednesday service. Which was very beautiful. Completely forgot about the oily ash on my forehead though as I smeared it across my face later on. Hey ho!

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