Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

Reuben and the jacaranda

Callum's at soccer practice beside us and Reuben and I drift off into park beyond on which is scattered the fallen jacaranda petals. How beautifully they lie on the dappled green grass.

Today I'm being featured today on Kids in the House as a founding member and contributor on feeding tubes and swallowing dysfunction. I hope this finds its way to families and gives hope beyond the diagnosis. The website is a free video-based resourced where you can learn in easily digestible bites from "8,000 videos from the top experts and parents". It's quickly become my go-to site when I have a daily challenge at home and want to hear an empathetic voice with constructive solutions. All you need to do is create a login and you're good to go. The mobile version is also super easy to navigate. Be great to hear your feedback and thanks for your support.

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