
Hard to get a good photo of a hellebore without lying flat on the ground - and that would have involved finding something waterproof to lie on. Some of these have pink patterns inside but this one is plain, and the pink ones are even harder to get pics as they're at the bac of the border.
Mr Rat arrived home even earlier than expected as a quick baggage retrieval at Edinburgh allowed the earlier bus, and then a taxi. However, he couldn't find the door key and phoned me whilst I was walking (the Ghana SIM card still worked, though I couldn't contact him) so I left early and came back to let him in. I also found the key which was where I'd said!
A quick cuppa with him before off to cafe where we weren't quite so busy as the last 3 weeks. Mr Rat came up on his bike for some exercise then returned home for a sleep while we were clearing up, and was still sleeping when I got in.
However, we've since done some catching up, with each other and with admin.

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