A Writer's Life

By Awriterslife

Waiting for "the plumber"

So, in order to realize a big life plan, I had to make a stop and have a small surgery. So I spent part of Monday waiting for the surgery, and the rest sleeping it off. It wasn't general anesthetics, and yet I slept through most of it after they'd given me something to "relax" me. And then they gave me two shots of morphine.

Aside from a rather funny (afterwards) moments when I woke up on the floor of the hospital room after walking for a few minutes and being convinced I hadn't lost conscience, just fallen asleep, it was rather uneventful. The plumber cleaned up what needed to be cleaned, and I regain consciousness, and my mom took me to her place for 2 days so that I could be properly monitored.

Having a week off at the end of term with a move looming, however, isn't the most convenient thing!

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