Real estate - extended

Mr A bought us an external monitor for the cottage, which I used this afternoon when I was doing some editing that would benefit from more real estate. It also provides an improved option for watching iplayer, etc. Not that we do that very often, but it's good to have the option.

No swimming this morning. The group swim was due to be later on in the day, and I had signed up for a spinning class at the local leisure centre already, so headed out there at the end of the working day. It was pretty enjoyable, although it was a bit odd because the "instructor" wasn't giving any instructions. But at least there was head banging music, the company of fellow sufferers, and decently maintained spinning bikes, so despite the lack of instruction and the lack of the metrics I am used to on the peloton, I think I managed to push myself quite hard. Well, the one thing that did give me some metrics was my Fitbit and it seemed quite happy.

Meanwhile, I'd spent the day powering through my to do list. Things that seemed so complicated and insurmountable back in Edinburgh seem easier to solve here. It was also good to have a meeting free day. I managed to send what I think is the final final version of the paper I was editing around Christmas time after it came back for yet another round of modest reviews (and substantial word cuts...). And now it's the weekend, although since we came up here "for the weekend" (just on Tuesday), I've been mentally treating every night so far this week as a "Friday night".

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