A Birthday To Remember

Miss M is 26 today!

We’ve had quite a day. Up at 5am to drive to Pen Y Fan in the Brecon Beacons. She wanted to be on top of the mountain to see the sunrise on her birthday. We’d checked the weather forecast and left the house with clear, starry skies. However, the weather at Pen Y Fan was a different story and we ended up walking in near blizzard conditions and a total white out. Quite a memorable experience!

Back at the house, we had brunch and time to open a few presents before heading off to Pembrey for Miss M to have a private skiing lesson - she’s going to Switzerland next week for her first skiing experience. The weather was the complete opposite to the morning with stunning blue skies and feeling pretty warm in the sunshine. After the skiing session we had a lovely walk on the beach, with some fizzy stuff to celebrate.

Back home for grandma, more presents, a steak dinner and some games.

What a day!

Miss M is a true joy and we’re so proud of her and grateful to God for her.
Happy birthday lovely xx

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