Smile,you are on Candid Camera.....

One of those days again.
Got everything fed then ran heifers round to the yard to start drawing a batch of 28 to sell.
After doing my sums last night after yesterday's sale it works out at about £80 per beast for commission and haulage to the mart. Which is a fair chunk.
Brian from Border Livestock came in this afternoon to see the heifers. They sell farm to farm,their commission is only 2.5% compared to 4 % at the mart,and the buyer pays the haulage. All good as long as you think you have got a fair price. So it's one buyers valuation compared to a ring full of buyers at the mart , but less work and time for me.
We shall see
Mrs F and Littlemiss out at a Taylor Swift tribute thing in Edinburgh,so spent a few hours tonight emptying straw bales from the lambing shed and stacking then in the field. Breaks my heart every year puting straw out side,but the wooly maggots need the shed,so needs must
Ho hum.....

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