Life in motion

By SierraMikeGolf


I have been a silent blipper for a few years now, I check in 4 or 5 times a week and like to see what's been happening in your world.

Since my last blip I have been through metamorphosis as sorts, I took on a new career, went back to university, lost mum, became Dad carer and lived through a pandemic which has change us all in someway. But I have distance myself from all type of social media to give myself space, difficult to do for a younger person in todays world, but the benefits have been huge and helped me find more time for me. 

Today's blip is dedicated to my most splendid and terrifically unique husbear Ross. He himself has been on a metamorphosis of sorts, he has gone part time from a career that is not good for his mental health, found art and is dabbling in working outdoors on the estate where we are fortunate to live and is coming out the other side a much more grounded and centred.

He is a complex soul, who has so much to give the world, we were out and about today and stopped for coffee and a bite and this bear made me smile and reminded me of him so very much. 

Hope to keep up the blips.

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