Walatowa Canyon

Walatowa means: This is the place!  It is heavenly. Come to visit and I will take you there xx  Extras show more wonderment.

Thank you ever so much for your kind hearts and sprinklings of stardust on my recent in memoriam post for my dear sister, Carlene.

Many of you have inquired as to my health and well-being due to my infrequent postings.  Thank you for asking.  I am fine. 

The problem, as Jack Twist put it in Brokeback Mountain, “I wish I knew how to quit you.” I consider my blipmates real friends in whose lives I have become wonderfully enmeshed.  That's a good thing; however, consequently, I have pushed aside for too long now several pots and pans (speaking metaphorically) under which I feel the urge to light a fire.  In order to fan those flames, I must prioritize. 

For awhile at least, I will try to:
·      * Get Movable Parts Productions’ website updated and the company more engaged (we’re making a proposal to the City);
·      * Take up painting and/or pottery (the former a life-long yearning; the latter I did for years);
·      * Write new and frequent entries in my two blogs, which I have mostly ignored since I joined blipfoto;
·      * Continue to serve on the Board of the Downtown Neighborhoods Assoc. as we push for real downtown revitalization + fertilization of the community spirit.

I am writing all of this down in hopes of holding myself to it!

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