Footy And Friendship

A web posting and one of my photos I have merged together.
I was a bit taken back to see the posting of my dear friend Doris on the BBC web page. She is the wife of my very close friend Winston who was taken away from us three years ago and suffered badly with dementia.
As I watched the video clip of her(with a tear in my eye), it soon became apparent to me that Newcastle winning the Caribo Cup meant a damned sight more to her than Man Utd winning it for me. She is a fully paid up member of The Toon Army, always has been and always will be.
For a short moment in time, I thought that maybe Man Utd losing the cup might not be such a bad thing at all but, as any football fan knows, as soon as that whistle blows, that thought soon passed!
Football can give you the highest of highs at times but can also give you the lowest of lows.
Hopefully I’ll still get a Christmas Card from her next Christmas!! ;-)

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