Busy Day

It is a cliche often quoted by retired people that they don't know how they found the time to go to work.  That is certainly true of my OH and I.  Today was Monday so it was BP first.  Called into Lidl on the way home to send some parcels and get some salad and fruit, then on to the Library to register for a new card (more later).  Arrived home at the same time as OH who had been to sort out tap at rental, and then to Travis Perkins to buy some wood.  He is making some hurdles and a plant stand.  I made some Leek and Potato soup for lunch.  After lunch I made an asparagus and bacon quiche using the new quiche tin I had ordered from Amazon.  It turned out ok but I think I need to practice a bit more?  I spent the afternoon doing some more ribbons on the wedding vases but have run out of ribbon so will need to get some more.  All in all a busy day and not much time for sitting down but that is the way I like it.

Photo is of the tete a tete bulbs that I planted last year - I did them in pots and then combined the pots into a basket which makes a lovely table display.  They are in the conservatory (unheated) so have lasted some time.

I was also really impressed to learn that the library service has arrived in the 21st Century and frustrated how it has passed me by and I have only just found out about the changes.  However I now have a new card and can order books, download books and audible books to my phone/ipad and read magazines.  All for no extra cost (apart from my council tax!). I have downloaded a new book to read (recommended by V) so will start it tonight.

No.1 and JC have a couple of days relaxing at a spa so hope they are having a good time.  

Good Monday.

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