Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


When I got home from the beach late yesterday I saw many blooms on my azaleas and the wisteria is starting to get purple stalks.   I took a couple photos of these flowers this morning but then J decided he wanted to take a walk.  We decided to go back to Saluda Shoals park where it was really flat and had some dirt trails by the river.  He did this walk about week 4 after his knee surgery and it was almost too much but he did well today.

At the parking lot at the edge of the woods we saw a dogwood tree starting to bloom.  The flowers are still tiny but so pretty in their young stage.   

Got the laundry done but did not do too much of anything else.  Just wanted to be lazy today after 3 days of non stop.  And it was just way to "peoply" for me at the meeting.   I do like all the people I met...including one of the speakers who was from Minnesota...I was behind him in the breakfast buffet line and saw him looking at the grits (polenta) in the big serving tray.   I told him what they were and how I liked to season them for eating and he said he was going to try them.    He told me he was trying to decide if they were a big pot of  cream of wheat (we don't ever serve that here!!).   Anyway, I made a point to catch up with him after the breakfast was over to see what he thought.   He liked them!!   I had a short conversation with him and his wife which led them to tell me they were not really looking forward to going back to the freezing weather of northern Minnesota...I don't blame him at all!

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