Ona's Photos

By Ona

A walk across the fields

The main job today was to get through a mammoth pile of ironing which took a significant part of the morning. But I don't mind ironing, particularly if I can spend the time listening to the radio and appreciating a bit of Sunday morning peace before the little neighbours are on their trampolines and the big neighbours are pushing their mowers.

I went for a wander down the back lane after lunch. Missing the blue sky that was there first thing but it was still warm enough to walk just in shirt sleeves - finally. The hedgerows are much, much further on than last time I walked the lane with lots of cow parsley on the borders. I took lots of shots of dandelion clocks and close ups of the hedges but decided on this shot across the fields, not quite far enough round for the cathedral, but just catching two walkers in the distance.

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