
I’ve lived with at least one cat for most of my life, but they can still surprise me.

Suki was as good as gold in the cattery and they, of course, think she’s lovely. She was SO noisy in the car as I brought her home. Perhaps she was telling me off because I’d taken her there. Perhaps she likes them and didn’t want to leave. 

She did all the usual things such as checking the house, having a thorough look through all the windows, and eating as though she’d been starved.

She wouldn’t purr for the first two hours but she has been for a cuddle a couple of times now.

I looked for her about half an hour ago. She wasn’t on the settee, she wasn’t looking through the windows, she wasn’t curled up in her usual chair. 
I looked everywhere twice ……still no sign.

And then I spotted her. She was in the cat cave I bought her from Aldi, very soon after she came to live with me. She sat in it once, and for the last ten months she’s totally ignored it. 

I’m delighted she’s popped in there and she looks comfy. But I’ve no idea why it’s suddenly become the cosy place of choice. 

Perhaps she just wanted to be my blip ? 

Cats are far more complicated than dogs….

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