Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Flight Controller

Early start today. Managed to get another coat of paint on the ceiling before 9.30am.
J finally got out of bed and we went down to the framers to have a look at the painting of J's old dog that she has had commissioned and choose a frame to go with it.
From there it was a trip to screwfix, B&Q and Tesco's before coming home for lunch.
I started on the kitchen walls while J had a friend over. Heather is up for a friend's birthday party this weekend so she popped over to have a cup of tea and a chat before heading out to Tiger Lilies for the night.

Danny and family came over tonight for some food. It was good to catch up and have a couple of drinks. This week's word is FLIGHT so a couple of slightly drunken adults tried to fly my remote controlled helicopter in the lounge while I took so photos of it. Not the most successful photo shoot. At the end Max had a play as well. He seemed to enjoy himself and do a slightly better job of it than his dad.

They left us around 1am after watching the Eurovision song contest in the background

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