So much sand

A view of Morecambe Bay from Grange-over-Sands. A charming town with lovely people, so helpful to silly old farts who roll over onto their specs and break them ;-)  It was an unplanned diversion but I'm so pleased we went there. If you ever should go, the pie shop is amazing.

Onwards to Arnside to the south. Totally unexplored territory for us. I came think of the number of times we've driven past up the M6 all unknowing. We visited RSPB Leighton Moss, full of different ducks (which I forgot to blip, but I was too busy looking).  We met a chap who was keen to talk Springer to us, having lost his own not too long ago.  Berry was busy getting muddy at the time and I'm so pleased she didn't jump up - it took a while to get her more user friendly afterwards!

Onwards with boring mway driving to our night stopover at Delamere Forest. A nice, not too big site with a good walk in the woods for Berry.  We met a lass here who had had such a miserable time recently that she'd had to lose the tenancy on a pub, packed all her belongings into storage and had decided to hire a campervan for a month as she'd nowhere to live immediately.  In all the kerfuffle she had forgotten to stock up with any food. So we had a cupboard raid and supplied her with some basics so she at least slept with some food in her stomach. Life isn't much fun sometimes :-( 

But she has a Sprocker pup so hopefully some joy in her life - or maybe a lot more hassle ...!

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