Place: Key Largo > Key West 74/82
Main activity: Wed - around the hotel, 3rd trip to Key West
Notes: Left around 1230p and traffic south was quite slow for awhile. We somehow missed the place we wanted to have lunch at and ended up in some little crappy chicken place eating around 3p. Pic is Dolphin Research Center where I came as a sighted guide w/ Linn from Northern back in grad school - we've also driven by Theater of the Sea where Linn & I did a swim with a sea lion years ago. Got to the College of the Florida Keys "early" but as usual, there was really no extra time and our early findings were that pretty much everything we'd done the last 2 nights didn't have any validity (more bumbling, "I should've known this, should've thought of that ..." - I have to wonder how his biz has ever been successful). There was a nice breeze which kept it cooler and the roofs from being full of condensation so early. We were using the whole wrong method of scanning tho which he blamed on the rep who hired him and then on himself for not "schooling" the rep. Lucky break when the guy who needed to get us to one roof (where we'd already been) was done around 8 (instead of 945) and came to find us. By then the wind had picked up more so we did that core cut and weren't able to do any more after that. Tho still the 2+ hour drive back, arriving to the hotel 11pm ... 

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