I See It

By StacyR

Age and Wisdom..

Today is my 1 year anniversary on blip...I started off with a bang, blipped everyday...then I got sick and slowed down. Getting back into the groove now. Signed up for classes out of NYIP. Very excited.
Today we traveled back home to New Jersey for my nephews 3rd birthday party. I had a merged array of him to post originally, but then i sw this one and decided this was the one.
This is my grand-mother..92 years old and still full of spunk most days. Never complains at all. She is such a wonderful lady and loved by so many people. We stopped at her assisted living facility to pick her up on the way to my sisters. After we got gram in the car and headed on our way, my uncle text messaged me and asked me if i "signed gram out"...huh? what? um, NO i didn't know i had too. Then it hit husband and i basically walked into this place, got my gram and walked out with her and no one said a word to us!!! I was mortified. How could no one stop us! I thought of the issue Brooke Shields recently had with her mother. I thought to myself...GREAT, i am going to be arrested for "stealing" my own gram. LOL All was well, we called the place and let them know she was out for the day, but still!!!
Stephen and a nice day...another Elmo party. This kid LOVES elmo. My sister likes the nostalgic toys like we had when we were little, so I got him the original big wheel and a slinky dog (collectors edition). He loved them. I also got an art kit that came with two mugs. My sister and BIL drink a lot of tea so I figured stephen can personalize mugs for them. He loved it all.
I had such a nice visit with my family. I hadn't seen them since january and with all the surgeries I have had it was nice to really see them and sit with them. Dad especially. He was really worried and cried most times he called me when I was sick.
Thats about it for today. Really tired and need to get a good night sleep.
Have a nice night all!

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