Sittin' a spell

Mrs. Oriole surprised me sitting and launching from Spike the whirly-gig. I was watching Mr. Wren during his construction project . I did see a bit of fluffy stuff go in as well, so maybe this is the final wren castle.

We have worked outside all day beginning the big job of trimming brush and vines and cleaning leaves out of the stones surrounding the patio . I just popped in to download these and I'll be joining T outside for beer and peanut feeding time for chipmunks. Every joint and muscle of mine hurt, but the weather is still nice and we're staying out for a bit longer.

Our Great Crested Flycatcher couple returned. It's a pity you can't see his pale yellow belly here.

I need to really have a crash course in Dr. Who, last night's show was really something. I'm pretty new to the series and have so many questions. It's like I felt with Lost, fascinating back stories and puzzles. I love Alex Kingston from her old ER days.

I just heard that we netted $2600 from yesterday's Plant Sale !!!! That total is great for a tiny club with many of us struggling to dig and haul plants to the sale.

Today would have been my grandfather Gordon's (Nora's husband) 124rd birthday.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny and bright. A bit overcast now, but a great day.

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