
By Appreciation

Confit Garlic

I have no idea what I will do with this, but upon seeing a large bag of garic bulbs at a silly price I remembered having seen a recipe in a feed of some sort.

Easy to make and utterly delicious to taste as well as to look at. I have a ridiculous amount of jarred vegetable in a cupboard but wasn't I smug last week using a jar of preserved tomatoes.

Today has been making plans and catching up with the girl.  Hopefully we can make all the plans work and we will get to see her soon. 

A lack of sleep last night meant that I was able to catch up with the boyyo who was trying to produce a graphic design for his latest paper on which he is 1st Author and which will be going into a 15.15 publication.  This is all excellent news for his PhD, however, his design looks like two poodles and one has a bow in it's hair.  Perhaps he needs to do the science and leave the asthetics to someone else!

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